Born in 2011 as the Dark Walk, this fan-favorite has graduated to legendary status as the DARK TRAIL. The signature rope on both sides of the trail remains, but that’s the only way this haunted attraction resembles its earlier iteration. As the story goes, Doomsday Preppers affiliated with the Stalker Family set up a compound in the woods and started recruiting other disturbed individuals to help the work of preparing for The End.
As they laid the groundwork for surviving Armageddon, they were forced to expel two of the young women who had been caught stealing supplies from the root cellar. Bitter and vengeful, the two “ladies” set about to curse the Stalker clan. For a year they spent every waking hour studying methods to cast a fog over the compound that would doom the doomsdayers eternally in the accursed swamp.
It worked. One by one the little group was overcome by the incantation that slowly ate their internal organs. The creatures vary in their degree of malevolence, but all of them are dangerous. Every. Single. One. You’ll find them in The Lair, Vortex, Cave, School Bus, Old Barn, Farm House, and Swamp. When you’re staggering along in sheer darkness, you’ll never know if you are in the clear, or one step away from your worst nightmare.